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 Georgetown, Penang


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Keywords of the Map:
Tua Pek Kong Temple, The Heritage Centre, Khoo Kongsi Clan Temple, Acheen-St Malay Mosque, KOMTAR, Prangin Mall, Little India, Chowrasta Market, Clan Jetties,Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board Office, Fort Cornwallis, Queen Victoria Memorial Clock Tower, W E&O Hotel, High Court, Gurney Plaza, Penang State Museum, Sri Maha Mariamman Temple, Ghee Hiang, State Assembly Building China Street, Keng Kwee Street, Leith Street, Penang Road, Weld Quay, Beach Street, Armenian Street, Acheh Street, Ferry Terminal, Kapitan Keling Mosque, Chinatown, Campbell Street, Chulia Street, Farquhar Street, Light Street, Church Street, Market Stree  




About This Map:
Georgetown, Penang