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 Melaka (Melacca)


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Keywords of the Map:
Rumbia, Kg Paya Rumput, Durian Tunggal, Batu Berndam, Bkt Rambai, Kelling, Ayer Molek, Selandar, Simpang Bekoh, Kesang Pajak, Simpang GDaing, Bemban, Merlimau, Sg RAmbai, Jasin, Alor Gajah, Bandar Melaka, Air Keroh, Rivera Bay Resort, Shah's Beach Resort Ramuan China Besar, Masjid Tanah, Kuala Sg Baru, Kuala Linggi, Brisu, Simpang Ampat, A Famosa Resort, Tampin, Nyalas, Batang Melaka  




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